Design Patterns: Strategy with TDD on C#When we have several ways to go to target by circumstances we need to determine a strategy. These days we have a lot of ways to make…Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Schedule Mailing on K8s CronJobIf you work on cronjobs firstly you should learn that the Cron time string format. Cronjob is a job scheduler and it is using that time…May 19, 2020May 19, 2020
.NET Core API to Aws Lambda One-Click Deployment on Visual StudioDo your first .NET Core API to Lambda Deployment on Visual StudioMay 15, 2020May 15, 2020
Aws S3 Storage Sdk on .NET Core APII created a demo project to show you how we can use S3 Sdk on .Net Core API.Sep 12, 2019Sep 12, 2019
Published inDevops Türkiye☁️ 🐧 🐳 ☸️Docker üzerinde .NET Core ve BaGet ile NuGet server’ımızı oluşturmakEğer ki birden çok .net kütüphanenizi kolayca yönetmek isterseniz BaGet kullanarak bir NuGet server oluşturabilirsiniz.Jun 14, 2019Jun 14, 2019
Jenkins Build as a ServiceIf you would like to call Jenkins builds remotely. There is an endpoint for your usage. Firstly you have to create your Jenkins token from…Jun 10, 2019Jun 10, 2019
Creating an API wrapper with Refit on .NET Core 2.2Would you like to integrate a web API to your project you can use refit. It may be that you simply do not want to include a large external…May 30, 2019May 30, 2019
How To Configure CI/CD on Jenkins StagesFor this example, you need Jenkins, Docker and a Github account.May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
.net core custom NuGet-server BaGet on DockerIf you would like to manage your .net libraries easily you can use BaGet.May 7, 20191May 7, 20191